Camden Charitable Foundation, Inc.
a IRS 501(c)3 non profit organization
Post Office Box 112,
Camden, NC 27921
Camden Sheriff establishes
Charitable Foundation
Since 2001, Retired Sheriff Tony Perry has been raising funds and Christmas shopping of toys and clothes for the needy families of Camden County. Since 2009, with the cooking done by the South Mills Christian Men’s Fellowship, the Sheriff’s Office has been delivering and providing meals on Thanksgiving Day to the elderly and those in need.
The Christmas mission came about in 2001 when Sheriff Perry took over the Sheriff’s Office and his wife Linda, working at Camden County Department of Social Services needed help in raising funds and providing the labor in shopping for needy families.
To add to the mission, fruit and candy baskets were made and delivered to widows in the county. This has been done since 2004.
In 2011, funds began to be used to purchase tracking bracelets and transmitters for Alzheimer’s patients, better known as a program under the name of Project Lifesaver.
In 2012, 47 families with 97 children were assisted during the Christmas season, 138 meals were delivered during Thanksgiving, and 129 baskets were delivered.
In 2013, Sheriff Perry applied and received an Article of Incorporation for the Camden Sheriff’s Charitable Foundation, Inc. filed February 14th, 2013 as a nonprofit corporation. The next step is apply to the Internal Revenue Service to be recognized under the 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
Sheriff Perry states, “The Camden Charitable Foundation is dedicated to actively serve the people of Camden County by building permanent charitable capital to support programs and provide services that enhance the quality of life for all its citizens. I have high expectations that this Foundation can build the capital it needs to provide for the needy in Camden County for the future. This office has seen the desperation in those in need and strives to provide for them. The citizens, businesses, churches and other non-profit organizations have been very supportive since 2001 and we thank them.”
The Foundation meet four times a year. They have officers with Former Sheriff Rodney Meads as the President and Courtney Perry as the Executive Director.